Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Warm Berries

June brings to mind so many memories of past summers.  Birthday parties, swimming lessons, mile races, bike rides, lightening bugs, shishkabobs, and baseball.  But nothing screams June to me like picking fresh strawberries. 
It's always bothered me there were no strawberry patches in the area to take my kids... until this year.
We had the whole patch to ourselves.  It was hot, humid and slightly miserable. 
But the warm strawberries were extra-sweet and juicy.
Ross even tasted one for the first time and decided they weren't too bad.
We ended up with 5lbs of strawberries.  We drove home with the standard prickly rash from strawberry leaves on our forearms as the sweet smell of strawberries filled the mini-van.  Perhaps one day my kids will remember the day we drove to the strawberry patch and picked fresh strawberries. 
I pray their childhood will be filled up with as many sweet memories of June as mine is.

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