Monday, January 16, 2017

Ice Storms and Lost Boyds

Whenever I bring home a 'Summer Fruit", Macks eye's light up- he points and says, "I like".  So when I randomly brought home a watermelon I knew he'd be pumped.

He was more than willing to share how he learned to cut a watermelon in China.  I was shocked to find out this watermelon tasted like heaven this time of year.  I think Mack was more impressed with how fast our family, his mom can plow through one of these suckers.  Maisie could barely hold herself back either.

Pay no attention to the lighter on the counter, nobody is smoking.  The boys are just into starting fires OUTSIDE.

I was in the baking mood, therefore I went straight for my Bundt.  I decided banana bread was in order as we awaited the approaching ice storm Sunday night.  This was the remaining Bundt within 20 minutes of being cool.  Within 12 hours it was down to a quarter.  There's nothing like GG's banana bread recipe.

As I mentioned, an ice storm was brewing.  An hour or two before dark, the boys decided to take their new lighters down to the creek and build a fire to keep warm. 

Time ticked and darkness and freezing rain rolled in. 
No boys.
Mike took the 4-Wheeler into the woods to find them. 
30 minutes later, no Mike. 

Flashbacks to the TV series "I Shouldn't Be Alive" and "Strange and Curious Deaths" crept into my mind.  I had no choice but to head into the woods on my own.  I was one mom, with a flashlight and a dog, who had a limp and ended up puking a deer spine Monday afternoon in the garage- but that's beside the point- on a mission to bring home her boys. 
As the sleet hit my cheeks and I tried desperately not to slip and break an ankle (physical therapy isn't cheap) I screamed for my boys.  Finally I heard Mike respond "I have the boys". They were in a hole, laying by a fire and hanging out.  Seriously?  
That's when Goose started going bonkers.  I shined my light and discovered Goose had treed a possum.  Ross (who's been super-obsessed with Where the Red Fern Grows) decided to shake the tree until the possum fell, allowing Goose to take the kill.  I cheered as the possum dropped and Goose had the possum still.  Ross grabbed the possum by the tail, yelling "I've got myself a coon dog!", and carried the possum back to the fire.  On the way, he kept telling me how the possum tail was curling around his hand.  I told him it must be muscle spasm from the dying process.  Let me just remind you the walk to the fire was treacherous.  At one point I was crawling on the frozen creek to get underneath a barbed wire fence in the freezing rain in the dark.  Good Lord.

We made it.  But that's when Mike noticed the possum breathing.  He was quick to remind us,  "Possums are notorious for playing dead". 
Well crap.  The teeth on this thing were not cool. 

And that tail gives me the heeby jeebies.

But my boys were safe, and in the scheme of things, what more could I ask for? 

In other news, Maisie was invited to spend the night at a friends house Saturday night, I took the opportunity to visit Shoe Carnival with Molly for new boots.  This girl is clearly related to her sister and can't stop thinking about her new footwear.

This is Molly (I was in the process of teaching her to make coffee), before the rest of the house had woken on Monday morning.  She's a little obsessed.

Later in the day, (can I mention we didn't leave the house Monday due to the ice storm) Molly was.mimicking my every move as I created a weekly organization chart.
A girl can dream, right?

I thought I'd cloned myself with Maisie.  However, Molly may look like Mike, but Molly is my sidekick 100%
As I was baking a batch of chocolate chip cookies, Mack looked in the mixing bowl and said, "Ewww.  Why you do that?"  I told him I was making cookies and asked if he'd ever tasted cookie dough.  He hadn't.
I offered him a taste and snapped a photo of his reaction. 
Chinese people don't like creamy things.
Mack isn't a fan of chocolate chip cookie dough... yet.

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