Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Icy No School Days

We've had 2 no school days due to ice this week.  Therefore, Monopoly it is. 
The boys and I have a pretty intense game going (including actual houses purchased on property) and bets are on for who's gonna bring home the trophy.

Meanwhile, at Hy-Vee this afternoon, Mack asked me if he could have a stuffed monkey which was on display above the leftover rotisserie chickens and hummus.  Not only was this a strange request as Mack never asks for ANYTHING- but strange that my 13-1/2 year old wanted a stuffed animal.  What, like I'm going to say 'No'? 
The whole way home he snuggled it.


This monkey business has equaled some major jealousy for Molly who demonstrated her feelings of wanting to hold and play with Macks Monkey (no pun intended) by destroying the Monopoly game more than once today.

On the other hand, I can't help but watch in awe as Mack shaved for the first time 3 days ago, yet snuggled a stuffed animal for the first time today. 

Be still my heart...

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