Friday, January 13, 2017

The Age Post

I've been working on this post all week.  Typing, then deleting it.  Typing another way, then deleting. It's hard telling someone's story through your own eyes- especially when the story you've been told is confusing.

Macks file stated he had been abandoned on a street in Northern Shandong province at the age of 5.  Found by a reporter the same day. He stayed with this reporter and his family 2 months before being taken to the orphanage.  Some of you have been told of Macks background prior to this, and some of you haven't.

Turns out, none of us knew what truly happened.

Every now and then, Mack volunteers information about his life in China both before and after being orphaned.  Information that tests my ability to 'Not look shocked' as he shares it.  His details of arriving at the orphanage contrast greatly to what his file claims.  I asked Mack to read his written file.  His response with a very confused face; "Not true".

I know Mack has suffered trauma and loss.  However, I trust Macks word much more than a Chinese orphanage file.  Orphanages are in the business of moving kids out for a fee.  When a file isn't moving, something needs to be added to the file to GET it moving.   I posed the question to other China Adoptive Mamas and the response has been astounding.  Sounds like phony files are created ALL THE TIME.  The details of his background are Macks to share, yet this also means the accuracy of his entire file is now in question.  Including his age.  I asked Mack if he was interested to find out how old he really was.  

He was interested.

A couple phone calls led me to schedule a bone-age-scan at our doctor who would determine his true age better than any other method available.

Within 24 hours we learned his official birthday was off by 9 months.  Mack's bones are 13 years 6 months... A July baby.

So now what?

The Vital Records department of Iowa told me the process to change his birthday would be extensive... and probably expensive.  Amendments would need to be made and citizenship records would need to be adjusted.  This all takes place with a lawyer, judge and court system. 

So now what?  I not sure, but were taking suggestions on how to celebrate his birthday.  When I told him the results, his response, "I already knew that, because....."

Again, so now what?

I asked him to pick a date in July he'd like to celebrate his birthday.  He chose the 11th.

Hmmm, again.  Now what?

Below ate our guesses as to when we each thought Mack's birthday would be.  The winner would receive a candy bar.

Molly won.

And of course in the meantime, life goes on...

For instance, this is one way to get the receptionist to call your name faster in a waiting room...Does that old lady look pissed or what?

and another use for oven mitts.

Mack's obviously practiced this look before, because he rocks it and it's creepy.

After taking our neighbor girl to the mall to have her eyebrows threaded (because that's how I roll), Mack became curious about having the hair on his upper lip threaded. 

I explained it might hurt more than an eyebrow and we'd talk to Dad about it at home.  
The solution?  
Shaving cream and a razor.
Mike taught Mack how to shave Thursday night.  A milestone I was so grateful he learned from his dad- verses some random at the orphanage. 

Mack didn't say it out loud, but from the skip in his step, it was clear he was feeling pretty awesome about shaving a moustache at 13 ;}

1 comment:

  1. Ah, yes the milestone of shaving. I'm happy for Mack! It sounds like the pieces are fitting together. :-)
