Saturday, January 21, 2017

Little Roadrunner Tournament

Ross became an I-35 wrestler last fall. 
He was nervous and insecure.  Afraid of looking bad.  Being our first wrestling practice EVER, he showed up in tennis shoes.  Whoops.  I had no idea we were supposed to bring wrestling shoes.  shouldn't there be a guidebook for mom's with these little tips? 
Luckily (?) they had a box of leftover shoes to borrow.  Wrestling shoes were purchased the next day and as the weeks marched by, we learned more and more about how this program worked. Ross also became more and more confident.  Having his good buddies in the program didn't hurt either.   

Tournaments were optional, and Ross being Ross wasn't ready to take that step yet.  However, me being me, decided the tournament held on HIS turf near the end of the season would be an ideal starting place. 

So I signed him up. 

I just didn't tell him until the tournament got close. 
Anxiety is an evil monster we try to avoid whenever possible.

The morning of the tournament, he felt like vomiting.  He barely touched his lunch and as the day wore on, told me he'd give anything if he didn't have to do it.  Totally took me back to high school track meets and the Strawberry Festival Fun Run.
One good part about his nervous stomach was it allowed him to weigh in at 76 lbs.  6 pounds lighter than expected. 
Enough to get him into a lighter weight class.

His first match was a close one, but Ross took the win.  I loved watching his friends cheer him on in the background. 

The second match was against a classmate and neighbor.  This boy has an identical twin (who happened to have a broken arm and couldn't wrestle).  These boys have an older brother who wrestles Varsity and a mom who is the school guidance counselor.  They brought us a meal when we brought Mack home.  It's incredibly hard to cheer for your kid when you want both wrestlers to win.  Immediately after the match, the little guy came over to give Mike and I each high-fives.
Just one more reason I love our small school.

Ross put up a good fight, but ended up on his back.

The final match was against a kid from another school.  Word on the street was this kid was tough.  At first I was worried, but once the other kid starting crying, it was clear Ross could hold his own.

The kid forfeited and Ross won the match.

 Ross and his coach.

 And he came home with a 2nd Place Trophy.

And in the end, I hope he always remembers...
Don't Be Afraid To Fail... Be Afraid Not To Try.

1 comment:

  1. Bravo, Ross Michael! Way to go!!!!!! Wonderful words of wisdom, Mom. Love to the Boyd fam!
