Friday, June 21, 2013

7-Year-Old Innocence

It began with him wanting 'product' in his hair while getting dressed-up for a wedding last weekend.  Next came his private drawling journal, a shark-tooth necklace and a bandana.

This could only be followed with some serious widdeling and a scary looking knife.

Bring on a naked, headless mannequin at the Machine Shed and you have a hysterical 7-year-old boy.

I came home and found this taped-up in his room. 

Asc Prmihisin Bee For Entring Fum Ros.

Clearly, cobwebs must be already forming in his brain since school ended.

Yet, how I wish I could get a pressure canner, sanitize some Mason jars and preserve his innocence right now.  I'd store it in my heart forever. 

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