Saturday, June 22, 2013

Roller Skatin'

If you've been out-of-the-loop for past few years, you may not realize Ross has a favorite store on the Square.  It's called "Something For You."  Its full of vintage collectables and antiques.  You may call it by another name that starts with a j and ends in a k, but it's all about perspective. Ross has developed quite a friendship with the owner.  I've come to the conclusion she completely adores him.
Today, I left Ross at Something for You while I wandered down the block in search of fresh basil.  Upon my return, I discovered Ross roller-skating throughout the store and grinning from ear to ear.  He found a pair of roller skates... and they fit.  Plus, they were only $6.  He unloaded his wallet of cash like he always does, when the owner said, "Ross, if it's okay with your mom to buy those, I'll sell them to you for $5 instead of $6.  The rest of the story is history. 
 Click on the below link to catch a glimpse of how we entertained bystanders who passed by our driveway this afternoon. 

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