Tuesday, September 9, 2014

All The Stages

I've witnessed my kids enter and exit countless stages of development.  Some are more welcome than others, but good or bad, stages do not last forever.
The food stages, the bathroom stages, the scared stages, the aggressive stages, the whiny stages, the superhero and princess stages, the costume stages, the baby doll stages, I could go on until you're bored to tears, so I'll assume you get the idea. 
Molly's in a stage which I'm grateful to have a first row seat for.  She's in the 'pretend' stage, the 'transferring objects from one container to another' stage and the 'washing her hands with gobs of liquid handsoap' stage.

This is Molly emptying all her shirts from her shirt basket.  I can't tell you how many times I've refolded these shirts or how much I miss having dresser drawers.
That's about the time she decides to give Care Bear a bath.  She's awfully thorough with its armpits.
Out of nowhere she decides to fill the sink with dishes, water and soap to make 'drinks'. 
One day she'll be in the make-up, drivers license and visiting college stage.  But today I just want to watch her play 'pretend'.

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