Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Dumpster Diving

I remember the thrill of accumulating money as a kid.  Whether it was going door to door trying to sell my coloring pages, picking flowers from the neighbors yard then going door to door with those flowers, or scouring under bleachers and concession stand stoops in the summer after ball games.
What I did with the money?  Usually ended up at the Grove Tap for a Pepsi.  If there was enough money, maybe even fries.  If I didn't have enough to hit the Grove Tap, I'd ride my bike to the Long Grove library to buy 10-cent old issues of Teen and Seventeen magazines. 
Therefore, it didn't surprise me when I discovered Ross and Alex trying to scrounge-up bottles and cans for the redemption center.  They wanted enough to buy Laffy Taffys at Ben Franklins.  Laffy Taffys are only 10-cents at Ben Franklins, so it wasn't too difficult. 
After quite some time, both boys returned shirtless with grocery sacks full of cans and bottles.  Turns out they had been diving head first into peoples recycle cans on East Court.  They reeked of beer, yet the look of satisfaction on their faces was priceless. 
They earned $7.50 that day.  After splitting the money then making a trade with Alex, Ross bought a Husky Dog Beanie Baby at Ben Franklin's.  According to Ross, diving into peoples trash was totally worth it.

By the way, Ben Franklin's had record sales of Laffy Taffy's this day as well.

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