Thursday, September 4, 2014

Picture Day

Thursday was picture day at school.  The night before picture day was rough.  Maisie was beyond excited, Molly peed a tiny bit in her bed, Ross was constipated while Mike and I had another bat in our bedroom.  (that makes 4).   Maisies outfit, including earrings, shoes and hairstyle were decided on 48 hours prior to picture day.  I asked Molly how she was going to smile for her picture and she proceeded to show me her most crooked and awkward smile possible.  When I questioned the look, she explained, "it's cute".  Ross rolled himself up in a blanket on the living room floor and complained he was feeling too 'barfy' to go to school. 
I convinced him to get through the picture, then he could ask to go to the nurse.  By 8:30 the nurse called to say Ross wasn't feeling well.  My first question, "Did he get his picture taken yet?"  He didn't.  It's probably for the best.
I like to take my own photos of my kids on picture day.  Mainly because there's no guarantee how awkward the chin tilt will be in the school pictures. 
Maisie.  Age 6.  1st Grade
Molly.  Age 4.  Preschool
I'll have to take Ross' photo another day.  Like I said, he was feeling too barfy.

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