Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Old Lady Nails, Sidewalk Chalk and Bulldogs.

Welcome to my random blog post.  It's a representation of the way my mind works.  Random thoughts, random statements, random activities.  It seems to be working.
Below is Maisie painting a random womans nails at a nursing home with the Girl Scouts.  What is it with old ladys having super-long, perfectly-curved and hard nails?  I swear I need to start taking whatever vitamins they're slipping in their applesauce.
I think Maisie was making sure this woman was all set for Halloween. 
Poor thing.
Meanwhile, I've been working on my indoor photography skills in manual mode.  Lighting is always an issue, but thanks to the photography class I took at Living History Farms several weeks ago, I think I've finally figured it out.  Below is one of my practice photos.  Still a bit dark, but not terrible!
As we enjoy the final weeks of nice weather before cold sets in, we've been outside as much as possible.  Ironically, I feel safer from the bats when were outside.  Go figure. 
We hit a snag on the building process when it came time to trench/hook up our electric to a temporary power pole in order for the framer to start framing.  It took nearly 2 weeks to complete, and now our framer has started another project.  The projected framing date is set for the middle of next week. 
God sure has a way of testing our patience, yet we will continue to trust in His timing throughout this adventure.
Lastly, are photos from this weeks flag football game.  The Bulldogs didn't win this week either, but the photos sure make me smile.

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