Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Sports Photos

It's no secret I'm not a fan of posed photos.  There's something I treasure about spontaneity, comfort and natural positions.  Therefore, when flag football picture forms were sent home I knew it was time to set up shop in the backyard.  I don't order sports photos.  Quite frankly, I don't think I ever will. 
I told Ross to take his mouthguard out.  He said, 'No'.  I told him to look tough and not smile.  That just made him smile more.  That's only one reason I love this picture of him. Not because of the picture itself, but because of that that 'moment' with him.
Next I told him to pretend he was going to throw the ball.  It was super awkward for him to hold the ball and not throw it. 
That explains why the above photo is so blurry.  Out of nowhere, he threw the ball toward me.  We both laughed as I screamed and dodged out the way.  Terrible picture.  Priceless moment.
This is a true image of my boy.  Mouthguard in place, shirt wrinkled and smirk on his face. 
Try to put that on a button.

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