Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Of all the posts I write, todays could take the prize for 'most random'. 
It is what it is.
We took the kids kayaking last weekend.  The weather was clear, the kayaks were loaded, life jackets packed and sandwiches prepared.  Side note: I've reached the point in my life where I feel all I do is make sandwiches.  Anyway, upon arriving at the lake, the kids were more interested in playing on a beach than kayaking.  Maisie excitedly claimed she'd never been to a beach and continued frolicking across the sand while singing a song from Barbie Mermaidia.  Ross was OCD over a crawfish he decided was perfect except for it's missing leg and Molly was scared to death of touching seaweed.  Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures of us kayaking as I'm not comfortable taking my camera into large bodies of water, for obvious reasons.

This weeks hairstyle can be seen in the below photo.  I don't understand how they go all summer with hair that looks like a combination of straw and cotton candy, then as soon as school starts, we have to pull this look off each morning. 

This is Molly upon arriving home from preschool.  She can't even make it through lunch. 

And because this post is so random.  I just had to throw this one in for fun.

Something about that hair looks mighty familiar...

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