Saturday, January 31, 2015

Couple O' Ideas

Nothing life shattering to report, however I have a couple o' ideas to share on this final day of January. 
First: It's no secret I have an extremely particular eater in my pack.  Apparently I'm Irish and Dog today.
We typically have leftover spaghetti meat, taco meat, sloppy Joe meat and meatloaf in our refrigerator at any given time.  We ingest very little chicken for reasons I'm not mentioning on this blog.  So, I'm constantly looking for creative ways to utilize those beef items.  
Last week I hit the jack pot with Barilla Shells!  The simplicity of this is almost embarrassing, however I don't embarrass easily, so I'm sharing. 
Here's all you do.
Mix about 3/4 cup ricotta cheese with 1/4 cup grated (the green can) parmesan and 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella.  Stuff about a tablespoon of that mixture into each cooked shell.  Then, stuff another tablespoon or two of whatever meat you have in your refrigerator.  If the meat seems dry, stir a little a little pizza or pasta sauce into the meat before stuffing.  Sprinkle with a little more cheese and ripe olives if you like, heat and ta-da!
Let's just say my pack devoured them before the head wolf stood a chance.  In my book, that's a win.
Second: I'm pretty good at art, yet I'm not a manicurist.  Therefore, when my girls asked for Elsa nails, they were pretty much doomed.  But, I realized I had metallic sharpie markers which I originally bought for soup labels before I realized they looked dumb on my labels. 
But their perfect for Elsa nails.  It must have been fate.  Here's the low-down.  Or down-low.  I can't keep up.
Blue nail polish. 2 coats (or more if she keeps dinging-up the same nail over again until it finally dries).  Take the silver metallic sharpie and dot a snowflake shape onto the center of each nail.  Ignore the wart on her pointer finger.  It's being treated with frankincense which basically means a biblical miracle is in the works.  Now if these nails don't scream Elsa, I don't know what does. 
Tomorrow... An Elsa Dress.  Fingers crossed Ben Franklins has blue silk and chiffon.
 This could get crazy!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

My Kitchen

I often feel this is a test.  
As Mike and I toured the only 2 rental options available last February, I preferred the older of the two.  It had more character and hardwood floors. 
However, there were only 2 bedrooms, a dead mouse in the basement, no washer/dryer, undiscovered bats in the attic, and the kitchen was beyond small.  I figured I'd use my slow-cooker or grill for the majority of the meals.  It's no different than a camper kitchen.  The oven was disgusting and had a bluish-caked on coating covering the oven racks and grill grates.  Obviously unusable.  I clearly remember having a conversation with my mother-in-law about camping-style meals I could make in the kitchen.
That's when I discovered the miracle of cleaning over racks and grill grates with ammonia fumes in a plastic bag overnight. 
Suddenly, I had my first gas oven and I swear I'm never turning back.
Yet somehow I'm able to cook real meals in my hideously small kitchen. 
Somehow I started a small business out of that kitchen. 
Somehow I've realized I must really love cooking to be doing what I'm doing in that kitchen.
That kitchen. 
My microwave is a mini-dorm size microwave.  My refrigerator is an old-school top freezer-scratch and dent model, and my countertops are nearly nonexistent. 
Which leads me to believe I haven't been alone in my endeavors. 
A certain image continuously pops into my mind as I scrounge for counter space holding hot pans and watch as the spices fall out of the cabinet for the gazillionth time.  That same image gives me a feeling of peace as well as a smile when I think of it.  I believe it's gotten me where I am.  Being a good cook isn't about how much space you have or having the best appliances. 
It's about passion.
I believe I owe my passion to the European woman in the photo below.  I look at the space and equipment she had to work with.  From what I hear, she was an outstanding cook. 
I also believe she's working with me as I prepare my soup baskets in my tiny kitchen... suggesting a pinch or this or a dash of that.  A sprinkle of this or a drizzle of that.  My passion was not given to me accidentally.  And I couldn't be more thankful for the gift.
My Grandma Jirus (Grandma Claussens' mom). 
AKA:  Grandma Cake

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Lighting is Everything

Have you noticed it?  The sun doesn't set as early! 
The slightly longer days, combined with warmer days has let to a severe case of Spring Fever.  We've spent our afternoon hours playing baseball in the yard (life jackets and patio cushions make excellent bases), endless games of HORSE on the basketball course and a hysterical game of badmitten (using a dog chain as a net). 
I let Ross drive me around on the mule.  The air felt warm, yet crisp.  The sun was setting and the smells reminded us of spring... a combination of grass and mud.  As the sun fell on Ross' face, I couldn't resist snapping this photo of him.  A perfect moment filled with peace and calm was captured.
Lighting is everything.
Immediately after snapping the above photo of Ross, I turned behind me to capture images of the girls in the backseat. 
This is what I saw.
Maybe the ride was a little rougher than I led you to believe... maybe we were bouncing around like crazy with mud splashing with each bump we hit... maybe the look on the girls faces give it all away. 
It wasn't a peaceful ride, nor a calm one.  But one thing is for sure.  We've been having way too much fun.

Sunday, January 25, 2015


House Updates

Our electrician has set up shop in the basement and is busy working on all the vent 'stuff'.  He's cutting vent holes in the floor and insulating 'stuff'.  I don't know what the 'stuff' is actually called, so I'm leaving it at 'stuff'.  Annoying, I know.  He will be camped out at our place until it's time to drywall.

Money Saving Challenge Updates
  • Sometimes the bread doesn't rise.
  • Cooked, dried beans smell like bowel movement after 4-5 days sealed in the refrigerator. 
  • Shopko offers awesome food bargains on Sundays.  Granted, most items expire in February, but it shouldn't be an issue.
  • A meal calendar really does work!
  • Aldi's black olives suck.
  • I don't hate Aldi's cheese or wine.
  • Being creative with leftovers is truely a gift.
  • Don't burn the pot pies.

Goose Updates
  • Saturday he tried eating Mike's poop.  I know.  So many questions.  But, the poop was outside.  Again, so many questions.  And, according to Aunt Kelly, in the dog world, when a fellow pack friend is sick, the dogs will eat the evidence so as not to let other animals see weakness in their pack.  Survival of the fittest.  So it's actually really sweet.  But Mike's not sick.
  • Goose is social. Therefore, it makes me sad to leave him alone when I'm gone most of the day.  Damn hormones.  So I've been taking him with me wherever I go.  Weird, I know.  But it works well and there's nothing like driving Mater Truck 45 mph down the highway, country 92.5 on the radio, muck boots on, windows down, with Goose curled up by my side.  It's truly a 'happy place' for me and I'm so grateful for those moments.  Speaking of which, Mike's car wouldn't start Sunday morning.  It just so happens Mike was leaving for Chicago Sunday morning.  Therefore, Mikes only option was driving the mini-van to Chicago with another co-worker, car seats and all.  Can you stand it?!  Guess that means Goose and will be driving Mater for a few days :)

  • Ross had a friend spend the night Saturday night.  All 4 kids slept in Grandma and Papa's den.  2 kids in reclining chairs, one on the couch and Molly on the ottoman.  Whatever!
  • I built the kids a bonfire and helped them roast S'mores Saturday night.  I felt like such a Girl Scout.  Did I mention it was January 24th?
  • Maisie's top tooth is loose and I'm begin to mourn her mouth.  It wont be long before her teeth come in all awkward and big.  I guess it's just a matter of time...
  • Ross suffers from OCD like nobodies business and it forces Mike and I to reminisce about our OCD issues in elementary school.  Perhaps it's some sort if rite of passage?  My hands have never been so chapped as they were in 4th grade when I had the 'germ issue'.
  • Molly is back in Pull Ups at night and seems uber-excited about it.  She's obsessed with playing Barbies and Babies and is currently wearing a Cabbage Patch cardigan. 
  • Kratt is still living with us in St. Charles and is the definition of 'scaredy cat'.  He spends his days hiding behind Grandma and Papa's headboard and only ventures outside at night.  I suppose it's instinct, but he is terrified the dog will eat him.  Perhaps we should have left his balls on?
I don't know what's more awkward in this photo.  The expression on Ross' face, the fact that Carson's standing on Ross' foot, or the duct tape which forms Ross' gun strap. 

 So many things we could choose to feel stress about.  However, were choosing to jump for joy instead.


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Braid Sleeping

I must have felt nostalgic Monday night because I taught the girls the tradition of 'sleeping in braids'.  What girl hasn't done that?  It's basically the perm before the crimper. Anyway, Tuesday morning was full of suspense as the braids came out.
I don't know where Maisie's beautiful, healthy long hair comes from.  I'm giving credit to Aunt Kelly and Aunt Heather for that.
Meanwhile there's no question where this hair comes from...
She went to preschool telling everyone her hair was 'tangled'. 
You can say that again.

Monday, January 19, 2015

A Taste

Mother Nature's teasing us... or at least giving us a taste of what's to come. As we savor every moment of vactioning in our wooded retreat a while longer, we're starting to realize living out here just may work after all.  We've set a routine; and our routine works.  The air smells better here, the sky's bluer, the sounds more peaceful and lets face it, the wine tastes better here.  To top it off, the weather doesn't feel like mid-January, which I am beyond grateful for.  So Mother Nature, cheers to you!
Our electrician started today.  Another step closer.  Molly also convinced me to buy strawberries today. 
It wasn't terribly hard.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Goose and After School

I called the local vet clinic today regarding a Girl Scout tour.  Because we live in a small town and everyone knows everyone, the vet and I got talking about Goose and Kratt.  Lets just say by the end the phone call, she and I had a solution for training Goose.  It's called a Gentle Leader. 
Google it.
I woke Goose and Molly from their naps Tuesday afternoon so I could drive them into Winterset to have Goose fitted for his Gentle Leader.  The vet spent over an hour discussing dog behavior and training with me.  She fitted Goose with the Gentle Leader and explained why it's so successful for dog training. 
All I can say is, "Wow".  This isn't an endorsement by any means, but "wow".  Goose stays behind me and doesn't pull with his Gentle Leader on.  I took him into the post office and he sat by my side as the postal worker took my package, I walked him on a sidewalk and he stayed next to my side or behind me.  We walked past houses with ankle-biter dogs yipping by their front doors (their owners standing in the doorway while smoking cigarettes and wearing pajama pants of course) while Goose stayed focused on walking beside me.  Granted, it's only been one day... but 'wow'!
Secondly, Maisie has another loose tooth.  She came home from school Tuesday and ate a hard pear to help speed the process.
I'll do what I can to yank that sucker our by morning.  I've got the touch.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Weekend in St. Charles

We spent our first weekend at the St. Charles resort.  We couldn't help but notice Goose found something in the woods. 
Your guess is as good as mine.  Coon?  Possum?

Perhaps a closer look at the spinal column and upper teeth help. 
Me neither.

In other news, Kratt and Goose met. The meeting occurred in St. Charles after I started feeling sorry for Kratt being all lonesome in Winterset.  Lets just say there was an incident in the pantry that didn't end well. However, everyone survived. 
More on this another time.

Sunday afternoon was made for soaking up the sun.  I snapped this picture of Ross just as he said, "If only I had a pot pie right now".
We walked through the woods to check on Maverick.  Ross dusted the snow off the headstone he carved "Maverick" into. 
Melts my heart.
Below is the house with all the windows installed.
And from across the pond.
And lastly, our Goose.  He was my running partner this morning as we hit the streets of Hickory Ridge Road.  I only fell down once.  Goose was there to help me up though.
Apparently I've got a thing for puppy eyes. 

Friday, January 9, 2015

Tea Parties, Smoke and Enchilada Sauce

Friday morning I was forced to call our landlord to unlock the kids' bedroom door.  It was locked from the inside.  As the landlord used his Pizza Ranch Card to unlock the door, I swallowed hard to get the motivation for my next question.  "Any chance we can stay in this rental till April or May?"  Everything has been delayed.  We haven't heard back from the HVAC guy, the lighting store doesn't have our bid ready, the electrician won't start until the weather gets into the 20's and the insulator wants a floor plan which is with our HVAC guy. 
So that's how the house is coming along.  Oh, he said 'yes'.
But my money saving challenge is a hit!  According to Mike, my homemade sub buns are to die for, my menu planner is working like a charm and Thursday I attempted my first batch of frozen enchiladas for Mike to take to work.  I made my own enchilada sauce (which wasn't that hard) and ended up with 4 cups of enchilada sauce and it cost me $1 for the batch.  One small can of enchilada sauce at the store = $1.69.  Just sayin'.
I mixed 1 cup sauce with 1 cup shredded cheese and a can of drained and rinsed black beans.  (Drained and rinsed is ultra important for gas control). I spread the mixture evenly over 6 tortillas (the $.06 ones from Costco of course), rolled 'em up and froze in a ziplock bag.  Easy peasy.
Of course I made a batch of Goose Bites while I was at it too.
Earlier this week, the kids and I smelled smoke in the rental house after school.  It was prominent in the kitchen and dining room.  There was a haze near the ceiling and I even grabbed the phone to call the fire department.  I just couldn't figure out where the smoke was coming from though.  I felt the walls and doors for heat (like in Backdraft), used my sniffer (which is strong), checked the attic, the basement, the outlets.  Nothing.  The only thing plugged in was the bread machine, but it only smelled like fresh bread.  Meanwhile, the kids were freaking out.  Molly and Maisie clung to their blankies, Ross on the other hand began packing his entire room into a body pillowcase.  It included a bow and arrow with arrows, guns, beads, rocks, Pokémon cards, stuffed animals, pocket watch... you get the idea.  As I thought about grabbing a few things before leaving the house, I surprised myself.  There was nothing I felt the need to grab.  Nothing.  Of course the kids and cat... but other than that, I was good to go. 
By this point 5-10 minutes had passed and the smoke started to dissipate.  I assumed it must have been something with the bread machine.  I didn't call the fire department and Ross had to unpack his body pillowcase.  From the entire ordeal I learned something about myself.  I'm not attached to my possessions.  And for that I am grateful.
For instance, what could be more important than playing tea party with this gal?
Pretty in pink she served me chicken with rice and applesauce.  Oh, and grape water.  (I call it wine, but whatever). 
  We had to take this photo numerous times.  She decided this was the prettiest. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Animal Duty and No School Day

Oh January, you are so cold.  And bitter.  And maddening.  But I wouldn't appreciate September without you, so I'll take your best shot.
I've got this cat whom I've decided is the best cat on the planet and I'll never like any other cat as long as I live.  With the temps we've had, Mr. Kratt has been sleeping indoors.  Strange for him.  Strange for us.  Very strange for my shins as he chooses to sleep on the foot of my side of the bed.  At least until 3:24 every morning.  That's when he decides to chew up a cardboard box next to my bed.  Or meow until I attempt to let him out into the frigid night.  But Kratt being a cat just can't decide what to do when his owner stands half naked in negative temperatures with the front door open while she silently begs him to finish his cat stretching before he finally makes his move.
Ross plays Minecraft under the dining room table while Kratt plays watch-cat.
My kids have finally reached the age where I can leave them alone for short periods of time.  This morning I returned to this.  The girls were watching PBS kids on Maisie's Ipod while smuggling generic Oreos.  While the cats away, the mice will play.
 Meanwhile, Mikes parents left for South Padre Island for the remainder of the month which means I'm in charge of Mr. Goose.  It was also a no-school day due to the cold.  I'd planned to drive into Des Moines Wednesday, but due to my mini-van being recently enrolled into hospice, I'm forced to limit my driving.  Is there a reality show for this?
But all is well.  I developed a 2-week menu plan, grocery list, clipped coupons and matched prices during my Fareway shopping trip Wednesday afternoon (while I returned to Winterset to let the cat out and get him set up until morning).
I spent $61 dollars at Fareway and saved $8 with coupons.  The plan is for these groceries to get us through at least 1-1/2 weeks.  I bought discount milk (which I froze), 4 boxes of Kelloggs Special K cereal for $1/box with coupon, the price-matched Mrs. Grimes black beans, and 3# of frozen chicken breast for $4.99 with coupon (limit 2).  I also bought other items to fulfill our menu, but you get the idea.  I've been buying my eggs from a friend who raises chickens for $1.99 a dozen. She delivers 3 dozen eggs to my door each Monday.  Her name is Darcy and I love her.  Did you know fresh eggs which haven't been washed can sit on the counter for up to a week without being refrigerated?  Apparently, fresh eggs contain a coating called 'bloom'.  The bloom protects the eggs from bacteria.  Reminds me of breastmilk, but that's just me.  Once you wash the eggs though, they need to be refrigerated because the bloom gets washed off.  Food for thought.
Upon returning to Goose duty in Saint Charles, the kids decided to go sledding.  Did I mention the temperature was 0-degrees.  I have no idea what the wind chill was.
 One trip down and poor Moo was already bawling.  Ross crashed 'em into the weeds and she didn't have her hat or gloves on... yet she had her 'nigh-nigh'.  God love her.
I know it's heartbreaking.  But I couldn't resist the photo op.
Goose waits patiently for Maisie to get to the bottom of the hill.
You talkin' about me?
Woo hoo!  She's down!
Oh, life is good.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Drawing Cards, Hoagie Buns and Money Challenge

After dropping the kids off at school, I cranked up the radio as I headed toward the gym.  The DJ started talking about playing Candy Land with his daughter and how ridiculous that game is.  There are no shortcuts, no strategies, no brainpower, nothing needed to play the game.  All you do is draw cards until you end up at the Candy Castle.  The DJ complained about how he is always rushing to get to the end of things.  During Candy Land, there is no way to rush the game.  During the game realized playing Candy Land related to life in a lot of ways, and I couldn't agree more.
Throughout our lives we are constantly rushing to get to the finish line.  Whether it's a day of school or work, a meeting, a church service, a book, a workout, and in our case, building a house.  We just want to 'get there'.
I failed to mention I listen to the 'Christian' channel when I drive.  The DJ explained how sometimes goals take longer than we want because God's not ready for us to finish yet.  There is more to learn, more to experience, more to take from the current situation... and it simply isn't time yet.  Somehow the Candy Land analogy hit home with me and I came to terms with the fact that God's not ready for us to be in our new home yet.  That, or He's not ready for us to be out of this rental house yet.  Either way, we'll move in when it's time.  And not a moment sooner.
In other news, I still haven't stepped foot in a grocery store.  I know!  Wednesday will be the big day.  I'm planning a trip to Aldi's.  Don't worry... I'll report my findings afterwards.
Meanwhile, check out 'Dinner Tonight' at the Boyd Residence. 
I pulled a package of round steak out of the freezer this morning and cooked it all day in the slow-cooker with a pack of onion soup mix and 2 cups water.  (Mom's secret recipe).
I'll shred the beef, slice some ripe olives, cook some tortillas, shred some cheese and chop some green onion for....wait for it.... Taco Wraps! 
I swear these are the best tortillas ever.  And they cost $.06 each.  They freeze awesome, cook fast and last forever.  Thank you Costco.  They're located by the hotdogs and cheese if your looking for them.
My second attempt at grocery savings today came in the form of my bread machine.
I typically make 5 to 10 hoagie sandwiches each week for lunches.  I prefer buying the bakery hoagie rolls when they are considered 'day-old' to save $1.  Doesn't always happen though and I end up paying $2.50 for the 6-count rolls.   
I prepared the recipe for Sandwich Bread in my Sunbeam bread machine.  I used the dough cycle and removed the dough after the cycle was finished.  I shaped the dough into ovals and let rest for 1-2 hours before baking.  I even 'snipped' the tops of the rolls; to look store bought of course.  I know my baking pans look hideous.  But just ignore that part.
Hoagie Rolls!
 If I can get these by Ross, I'm golden.  If not, Mike will be eating lots of sandwiches.