Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Thanksgiving Hike

Aside from the obvious, my 'high' on Thanksgiving was taking a hike with my boy. 


Sure I could have stayed inside sipping wine and nibbling cheese (and enjoyed every second of it), but there was a 7-year-old boy who was desperate to go hiking with someone.  I couldn't let him down.

Mike was on the verge of hacking up a lung due to a repiratory epidemic going around town, so I was the next likely candidate for the hike. 
We started out in good spirits.  I got a little camera happy; but that comes with the territory.  Ross was loving the fresh air, the smell of fall leaves, the sunlight pouring in around us and the occasional stab and bloody spot from a thorny bush that made our hike feel extra organic.  I was a sport too- I'd like to thank the wine at lunch for some of that enthusiasm. 



We laughed, we talked, we had a little spat then made-up, I even let him say a cuss word and didn't get after him.  If you need to say a cuss word, the woods is a darn good place to do it. 

He crossed this barbed wire fence.  He called the fence 'rhubarb'.  I found it hilarious.

At one point I looked straight up through the bare tree branches and into the clear blue sky to thank Mother Nature for... well she knows what I thanked her for. 

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