Thursday, November 15, 2012

November 14th

Birthday Highs:

·        Waking up to the “ding” of a birthday text from Mike.

·        Opeing an e-card from Aunt Judy on my g-mail account.

·        Receiving a birthday text from my sister on my way to work.

·        Receiving another birthday text from my little brother… followed by 4D ultrasound photos of my soon-to-be niece or nephew.

·        Opening an email from my little brothers wife… followed by a discussion of whether the photos looked more male or female.

·        Opening my g-mail inbox at work to find birthday wishes from both Mike’s mom and sister.

·        My phone dinging constantly throughout the day alerting me that people were posting “Happy Birthday Heidi, hope you have a great day” on my Facebook page. (or wall- whatever that’s called)

·        Receiving an email from one of my best buds to go out for birthday lunch with her Monday.

·        My mom sending me a message that her card would be showing up in the mail on Thursday since the post office was closed on Monday.

·        Coming home to a birthday card in the mail from Mike’s Grandma and Grandpa.

·        Ross giving me his birthday present.  A book he wrote me made from small pieces of paper with a hard-cover on the front. (He actually cut apart his crayon box to make the cover ‘hard-cover’).  The book is titled “I love my mom”.  I’ve decided to carry it in my wallet for the rest of my life.

·        Maisie making me a birthday card out of purple construction paper with drawings of a rocket on it.  She also gave me a bookmark she took from the library last week.  She also said if there was only one ice cream sandwich left in the freezer (which there wasn’t) she would let me have it because it was my birthday.

·        Molly hugging my neck tightly, followed by her pulling my hair with her sticky tootsie roll fingers then yanking off her diaper…we need to work on that.

·        Dancing to Wiggle Worms in the kitchen with the kids while I made their dinner.

·        Mike coming home.

·        Sharing glasses of wine with Mike and his parents.

·        Listening to the sweetest voice-mail message from my oldest brothers’ family on my phone.

·        Getting to talk to my Grandma Green who called to wish me a Happy Birthday.

·       And of course, thinking of Grandma C as I opened my birthday cards …imagining the card she would have sent to have been big, funny, musical and signed, G’funk.
I am loved.

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