Friday, November 2, 2012

How do you like your eggs?

A close friend and I were catching up when the topic of "eggs" was brought up.   I'm sure you're familiar with the movie, Runaway Bride. There's a scene in the movie where Ike (Richard Gere) tells Maggie (Julia Roberts),  "You're so lost you don't even know how you like your eggs". We analyzed that statement for a moment, then moved on to equally pressing topics.  Deep down, her and I both know our true talent is reinacting Sally Fields character in Steel Magnolias... yes, the cemetery scene. 

Anyway, the egg preference discussion came to mind this morning as I made breakfast for my girls.  Maisie requested eggs... "you know, eggs like Daddy", she said.
"Okay, hard cooked or scrambled", I asked.  "I want the ones with the cheese circle in the middle", she explained. 

Of course, silly me, she was asking for fried eggs.  (I'm guessing she assumes the yolk is a blob of cheese).  I made one for Maisie and one for Molly.  Maisie inhaled hers within seconds and was ready for another.  As soon as I cut Molly's egg and the runny yolk spread across the plate, she yelled, "Gross!" and began to cry.  Maisie  couldn't have been happier and went on to eat 3 more.  I listed off as many 'egg options' as I could think of for Molly before she replied, 'amble agg'.  Perfect, scrambled eggs it is. 

My girls are different.  They will always have different opinions, different personalities, different talents and different hair colors. 

Maisie likes to be cuddled, read to, dolled up and I often overhear her telling the cat how much she loves him in a sing-song, high-pitched voice.  Molly, on the other hand, will yell "NO!" at a stranger if they look at her, will discipline the cat to no end, tries to clean the house by shoving anything she can find into the trash, will eat an entire pack of gum as 'snack', and just this week started putting herself to bed in her big girl bed- no questions asked.

I hope they always embrace their individuality.  But more than that, I hope they never forget how they like their eggs.

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