Wednesday, November 7, 2012

An Excuse

Now that the "Squirrel Hunt" results are forever documented in Boydbabe history, I can fill you in on what happens behind-the-scenes during Squirrel Hunt Weekend; trust me, there's more to it than meets the eye.

It all starts when 9 cousins and their parents get together at GG and Papa's house.  Add a smoked turkey, an outdoor trampolene, a make-shift beauty salon in the basement, an indoor jump house surrounded with patio furniture cushions, alcohol, a maternity photo shoot as well as a photo shoot involving 9 kids ranging in age from 1 to 7, exploding rockets from pop bottles, tractors and hay racks, a dead deer being gutted under the clothesline, 5 (9-by-13-inch) freezer meals, did I mention alcohol?, one emotional breakdown that could only be fixed with fake fart sounds, a dinner discussion on beating chicken, a 1st birthday party, a slide show, haircuts, laughs, smiles and memories.

Let me set the record straight.  It's not just a squirrel hunt, that's just our excuse...

My Dad shot a deer. 
He explains how to properly gut a deer to eliminate stink.
Our make-shift salon
Mom putting meals together.  That big enamel pot in the photo makes this even more nostalgic.
The girls.
Molly and Laura
Maisie helps Laura put her shoes on.
Cole jumps on his exploding rocket.
Papa teaches Ross proper shooting form.
The trampolene is always a hit.
Heather was popular with the kids Sunday morning.
There's nothing better than a "bubble" with cousins

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