Friday, November 30, 2012

So I Bake

If you've never experienced the art of finding a daycare provider for your children, lucky you.  We currently have a God-send of a daycare lady whom the kids couldn't be happier with.  I believe she truely loves our kids as her own which makes going to work so much easier on me. 

Monday night the bomb dropped.  With tears in her eyes, she handed me the letter explaining how they would be moving to Indiana in 2 weeks to help care for her husbands ailing parents. 

First thought:  Oh no you don't.

Second thought: I'm quitting my job.  We can live on rice and beans.  I wonder whats involved with Hawkeye health insurance for the kids?  I can start my own daycare, no biggie.

Third thought: This totally sucks. Where's the wine?

Fourth thought: Perhaps if I cry hard enough I'll wake up from this nightmare.

Fifth thought: If one more person tells me 'it will all be okay' I just may rip your head off. 

Did I mention I don't handle switching daycares well?  I actually find it one of the most emotionally draining, gut-wrenching, tension-causing issues of raising children to date.  (Keep in mind we havent hit the 'teens' yet)  Lets just say I'd rather go through childbirth without an epidural and need an emergency episiotomy than have go through the daycare search.

In the meantime, I've realized when I get stressed out and emotionally unstable, I bake.  I'm like one big angry baker. 

I have some cheerful helpers to see me through. 

Go ahead Molly.  You get the spatula.  Maisie will show you how this is done.

We hope to have our daycare selection made within the next couple of days.  In the meantime, feel free to stop out for some baked goods.  It's like the Sod House Bazaar around here.

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