Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Divine Goodness

Thanksgiving is defined as a public acknowledgment or celebration of divine goodness.  This gets me thinking about what I wish for my family… a celebration of divine goodness?  What is that? 

Ross asked me to bring lime Jello to Thanksgiving dinner this year, Molly just had a plantar wart froze off the bottom of her foot and Maisie won’t let me wash the dried egg noodle out of her hair.  Mike scraped a zit of my back with his fingernail this morning without warning and it torked me off.  I asked him if he was born in a barn and was angry with him for the remainder of the morning. 

Divine goodness… a celebration…

Molly fell off her booster seat and landed on her face at breakfast this morning, Ross kept asking me what would happen if the beef and noodles I made for his lunch turned to goo in his thermos and caused him to gag at lunch like it did last time, Maisie was crying because her elbow was bleeding after tripping over a matchbox car and skidding across the dining room floor.  Were running late for work again and Maisie’s just gonna have to deal with a bun in her hair.  I can’t get the noodle out without a scissors.  I slam the dishwasher door out of pure frustration and hear water glasses shatter inside.  Molly wants to eat my oatmeal (good luck my love) and Mike is apologizing for the ‘zit situation’. 


How I crave an hour of calm, a morning of peace, to be able to give each of my children the individual attention they deserve.  One day I know I will have it. One day our home will be quiet.  One day our home will be still.  The floors will stay clean, yelling will not be heard blocks from our home, laundry will stay caught up, band-aids will not need to be replenished as frequently and towels will stay hung.  In the same breath, the lack of calm happening in our home means a lot of life is happening.  And for that, I don’t want it to stop.

Although exhausting, I’m tremendously aware of the gift I’ve been given to be called ‘mommy’ by 3 little people.  I want them to gather many Thanksgiving memories of family, food and outside fun, but more than that, I want them to understand and appreciate all the divine goodness in their little lives. 

So we’ll take our lime Jello to Thanksgiving dinner, pray to God and acknowledge all which we have been given with sincere gratitude and wonder.  In the meantime, my back, like Maisie's elbow, will heal…

From our home to yours, Happy Thanksgiving.

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