Saturday, July 24, 2021

Goat Shows and Microphones

Saturday brought the Madison County Goat show.  Molly chose to bring Rosey, Jersey's 5-month old girl.  

Molly's been registered for weeks and was the first to check in.  
We had a 90-minute wait until the show started, which we figured we could check out the rest of the fairgrounds during. 
Except that they had a surplus of animals at the fairgrounds this year so we had no choice but to tie her up on the bleachers and wait.
For 90 minutes.

It was one of the hottest days of the year.  
Jayson kept reminding me he 'hoped this didn't take too long' and Molly was concerned her hands smelled super sour and she didn't know why.

Once they lined up by age group, we were relieved to learn Molly was in the first 'heat.'  
As the first person in the group made his way to the front of the ring, the microphone appeared.
Then the judge began asking questions to the little boy about him and his goat.

You'd have thought Molly saw a ghost. 
She looked at me with huge eyes and went white. 
There was NO WAY she would be speaking into a mic.  

She pulled Rosey out of the line as the tears began to fall.
She missed her 'heat' and decided she wasn't going to show at all.

After a pep talk, it took a minute or two but managed to pull herself together enough to get into the second heat.
But the emotions were already there and as she yanked Rosey by the horns into the ring, the tears began falling again.

I signaled to the judge, "not too many questions," but the judge just had to ask her name.  I yelled 'Molly' from behind the gate.  Then she had to ask the name of the goat, to which I again hollered from the side of the gate.  
Then another question, 'how long have you been showing goats?' 

Really Judge?  
Can you NOT read this situation?

She didn't win.  
Rosey didn't like it one bit, and neither did Molly.
She was only there to show her goat.

We'll have to look for goat shows without microphones from now on.

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