Friday, July 2, 2021

Surviving June

A large chunk of my heart has returned home.  

There's no feeling I can compare it to.  

I'm sure I'm on the cusp of this feeling recurring over and over as our babies keep growing up.  

But I'm appreciating my first born baby's presence in ways I didn't expect this summer.  

He's given me so many reasons not to, but I just really, really love him.

I'm beyond glad he had a fantastic trip to Palm Springs with his best friend Gabe and his family.

Selfishly, I just prefer him here.

And he came back with this.
He's no dummy which means his wisdom teeth are present and needing removed.  
They're causing an infection and the sooner we get them out, the better.
July 13th at 7:45 those puppies are outta here.

Did you know we keep x-rays and CT scans on the fridge now?

You're welcome for NOT posting Macks ball sack issue on the fridge.  
We don't THINK it's a hernia, STI or testicle torsion, but you never know. 
A trip to urgent care has him loading up on ibuprofen and hoping for a pulled muscle...
God, how is this my life?

All I know is health insurance rocks.

Our physic saw a snake pit in our future - which is the symbol for doctor.  
Praying hard this is the brunt of it.

            This Moo Bear has been healthy as a horse and helped me play "Momma" last night when Maisie had a barfing stomach bug.  
All.  Night.  Long.
The dog also puked up a press on nail through the night, which just added to the theme.

She plays hard in the mud, so I'm guessing her immune system is way above average.
A little photo shoot she and I did in the creek a couple weeks ago... with outfit changes.

Dresses are hanging on the tree branch. 

And I know my children are all adorable in their own way; but I would love to see the Disney Movie Pixar could pull off with these characters.  
my whole world.

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