Monday, July 19, 2021

How it Started; How it's Going

My weekend couldn't have started better.  

For one, it started in a winery.  

I ordered a Margarita pizza with mushrooms and onion.  

How could I resist?  My favorite crust-saucer was working.
He's learned to wear "red" when he works.

Clearly, he didn't know I was snapping photos.

And the next morning I brought up the fact that we had a bat colony living above the front porch.  
We could've called the 'bug guy' for advice or help, but the kids' summer medical bills are climbing and we are trying to cut corners where we can.  

So tearing down panels of our metal soffit happened- just to get a better look.
To be fair, the psychic did say this was our Year Of The Snakes 
Ideas on getting them to leave included the pressure washer, smoke bombs, a bb gun, and gas.
I should mention we just watched "Panic Room" on Amazon a week ago.

Ross got his flashlight up there and noticed there were at least 15-20 bats (he could see) climbing up a back wall.  
He said they were all doing some creepy thing with their mouths.

Gives me the shivers just thinking about it.

Meanwhile, bat crap was falling from the eaves like rain.

Apparently bat crap causes some sort of lung infection?  And bats are known for carrying rabies. 
Again, the Year of the Snakes.

Mike read about a bat removal system that utilized a tube they can fly out of but are too stupid to fly back into.  
So he did that.
Oh, but upon the research, he discovered we are in the thick of Bat Maternity Season. 


This means not ALL the bats will fly out at once.  
Therefore, this is a 4-day procedure.

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