Monday, July 19, 2021


 Monday brought more snakes.  I should emphasize, this year was deemed 'Our Year of Snakes.'

Marianne (the psychic) saw a pit full of snakes during our latest reading.  

It could have been literal snakes which we've had, or doctors whose symbol happens to be a snake.

I don't know if I mentioned Ross's wisdom tooth removal was $2000 out of pocket.

I hoped a call into our health insurance citing a jaw infection would help our health insurance cover some of that.  

But no.  

Health insurance doesn't touch anything regarding teeth.  Not even jaws. 


The mail brought a bill for Molly's boot this afternoon.  Remember she was in desperate need of attention last spring and required a medical boot to get her though the end of 4th grade?

My second phone call to insurance was due to the orthopedic boot being charged to us not once, but TWICE. 

Bill for $500.

So now I'm fighting that second charge with a company who I don't think has any physical employees on site.


I've also been on hold for almost a month to get Jays updated social security card with his English name and also his Iowa birth certificate figured out (I should have done it years ago, but turns out I was busy.)  

Also, due to Covid nothing is open and everything has to happen through snail mail.

I might have heard bats giving birth in the porch ceiling this morning, I spied a creepy mouse in the garage AND the goat barn today, a toad literally leapt out of the basil pot at me this morning, Moose and/or Leo may have impregnated their mother/aunt/sibling during a gate escape issue we're working on, and the camper shower is leaking. 


Not positive, but thinking I might move to Australia.

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