Thursday, July 8, 2021

My Favorite Place On Earth

In the words of one of my favorites, the Berenstein Bears:

Did we survive scout camp?  Oh yes..we did!

Call me Old Fashioned, but I never imagined I'd be a mom at Boy Scout Camp with my daughter.  
Apparently, it's still referred to as 'BSA' - Boy Scouts of America but recently referred to as "Scouts" for boys and girls.
I was one of 2 moms in attendance and Molly was one of 3 girls in attendance. The rest were ADHD boys and their fat dads trying to relive their youth from the benches along the sides.

Although I felt like "that feminist mom" I also felt like "watch this you annoying skinny wimp boy" as Molly completed her wooden treasure box first, passed her swimming tests without crying, and basically didn't act like an entitled little brat throughout the various stations.  I  gave her a silent high five when a boy named Graham was staring at her and she stood up, looked at him, and said, "What?  What is your problem?"  
Oh yeah, THAT is my girl.  

Is that weird?
Molly was invited into scouts by her friend Kinsey, whose mom happens to be the den leader.
Clearly, we're busting through glass ceilings around here in Pack 121.

The Trading Post was one of my favorite places- they were like the local general store which sold not only ponchos, pocket knives, sweatshirts, and pop, but also Ice Cream.  I didn't see Molly's friend eat a single meal, but she had a tab going at the Trading Post.

And there was Smores each night.

Lights out at 10:00, followed by trumpet Taps, didn't stop us from card games and snacks in the tent before we decided on our own 'lights out' after we got tired.

We bought matching hats. 
At the Trading Post, to be 'twinning' of course.

And did you know, Camp Mitigua has its own Old Retired Folks Group?  They call themselves The Orfs and it was one of my favorite parts of the camp.
It's where Molly made her S- hook and whistle.

Then there was CAASA.
She made a rocket.  It was pouring rain, so she had no desire to stand in the rain to fly it. 
I didn't blame her.
I loved that she decorated her rocket with the names of her goats.

The aquatic staff was our favorite.
We also happen to love water and swimming.  
However, Eli  (the bald guy) helped Molly swim 4 lengths of the high school pool with her final length the backstroke (chicken x pencil) to her earn her red swim badge.  
Suck it you skinny, whiny, weak BOYS!

Treasure Box Building

This was a 6:00 AM polar swim where they dump ICE in the water to make it frigid!
Had to be in the water before 6.  

One of our most favorite parts was rafting!  
Basically 3 teams on a wooden raft having a water fight with paddles and buckets.  
This was my jam.

Molly's too.

Along with archery.
I think she gets that from her brother.

She hated bb guns but loved the bows and arrows. 
OK, Katniss.

And the food was some of the worse I've experienced.
Sure makes you grateful for snacks! 
And the Trading Post :)

11:00 AM and the days are exhausting.
Especially for our little souls.

She earned her widdling chip last night and has big, big plans.
I am hers and she is mine- I have no doubt she will see them through.

In the meantime, I have created my own merit badges for the parent section at Camp Mitigua.

1. Your feet will be black, sandy, and sweaty at bedtime.  The shower line is long (and mostly hairy, gross men) embrace the grime and sleep dirty)

2. Sleep is a luxury, not a privilege.  
Same with toilets.  Someone else's husband's pube on the toilet seat will not cause cancer, but it's still nauseating and the habit should be dealt with and eliminated prior to attending summer camp.

3. Deal with, and learn proper food portions.  Maybe 1/4 cup scrambled eggs and a slice of dry wheat with sun butter for breakfast is the norm?  Or maybe today is the day to start intermittent fasting.  The decision is yours.

4. The food will be rough, don't worry, you will finally poop again at some point.  fingers crossed?

5. The coffee eventually runs out.  Find another survival tactic.

5. It's hotter than hot.  Good news! The trading post has neck coolers... for a limited time of only $12!  Molly says it looks like toilet paper wrapped around your neck.

6. The best part of your day won't be with the pack or even your den.  It's with your babe, in the dark, in the silence of your tent, playing cards or talking into the dark of your tent...  where one of the most honest and real moments of life live, where their hearts, dreams, and truths come to life.  

This place, my friends, just happens to be my favorite place on earth.

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