Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Wisdom Teeth and Tenderloins

And just like that, his wisdom teeth have been extracted.  

The nurse helped load him into the truck and when she said, 'call if you have any questions'

Ross replied, OK, you too!'

Blood and wounds don't typically have any affect on me.  
However, there is something about the smell of oral surgery and bloody mouth gauze that is very distinct.
He insisted on Smoothie King for his favorite beverage, The Banana Boat.
No straws, or feeling in his face for that matter, made this is risky choice.

But he's comfy in his bed with Cherry Glacier Gatorade, plenty of pain meds and hippo.

I'll leave this post with some highlights from our Tenderloin Stand last weekend at the Old Settlers Festival in New Virginia.

And for the record... Molly could basically run the stand with her eyes closed.

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