Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Back To School Eve 2019

Good, Golly Miss Molly, this Holiday is OVER!  We spent our last day in Des Moines completing returns.  And of course, that involved some sort of lunch in which I introduced them to Panera.  It was my first time using a touch order screen which slightly concerned me as I just read 95% of all fast food touch order screens have fecal matter on them.  Molly DID just tell me she's hoping to get sick because she doesn't want to be called down onto the gym floor at the end of the year for perfect attendance.  SO embarrassing.

Jayson got a new pair of light up shoes from Kohls today as his last pair seems to have been abducted by aliens before Christmas break.  Seriously... there is no trace...
Kohls Cash for the win!

And this little lady discovered a love for tomato soup while wearing her brand new white shirt.  And oddly enough, Molly was the only one who ended up with Maisie's soup on her sleeve.  
Go figure.  
She also really likes the humongous pickles like they sell at concession stands.  I bought a big glass jar full at Walmart for her lunchbox.  

But the Mystery Machine took a curve a little too tight and the pickles got loose.  
Before I knew it I heard a crash and smelled dill.

As the pickle juice soaked into the van carpet and the dilly vinegar smell became overwhelming, I thanked God (once again) I don't drive a fancy car AND that the pickles weren't SWEET!
Feeling exceptionally blessed on this Back To School Eve!

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