Sunday, January 20, 2019

Vans, Taco Meat and Rashes

A peek into Sunday... 

Not only was the power steering on my 280,000-mile van revived (my arm muscles are SO sore), but tires, tie rods 'rutters'?', and some other metally things were replaced and rotated. 
I don't really get it, but Mike does, and honestly that's all that matters.

Fortunately, I have other skills.

  Like tacos.  
We've crossed into the 3lbs of hamburger supper club.
Unseasoned and on the side for Ross, naturally.

Spent spent Sunday at a wrestling tournament 2 hours away.  Obviously, we didn't make it.  
He went undefeated and broke his record by pinning a guy in 12 seconds.  
He wasn't able to drop down to to 92, but he did weigh in at 94!  
He wrestled 98.  

Got this text this afternoon as I was depositing my quarter into an Aldi's cart...

Benadryl, a cold compress (aka: frozen hot dogs), a shower and clean clothes.

He swears he won't go to school tomorrow until his face doesn't look like AIDS.  
The nurse in me knows it's contact dermatitis and will go away.  
I also know I wouldn't show up for school with a blotchy face in 7th grade either.
Praying the Benedryl is a strong one.  

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