Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Snow Day

Our first official Snow Day was filled with  shrieks of excitement, relief the frozen muffins would thaw and be enjoyed later in the day, no sign of the boys until after 8, a sudden ambition to complete not one, but two college writing assignments and the girls fighting over which Youtube family to watch by 9:30.  Molly was complaining about not doing anything fun and since I had plenty of cream of tartar on hand, I suggested the first thing that came to mind.


Then snowmen...

5 to be exact.

They had to remain un-faced and unclothed.
Gunny kept ripping the celery and figs out of the faces and I don't trust him with a scarf.

Good thing he's cute.

Meanwhile Ross spent the afternoon at his girlfriends farm combing out cows.  
According to her mom, he worked his butt off.
As it turned out, he gained 4 pounds this week.
I told her he needed the exercise.

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