Thursday, January 10, 2019

Long Week

Is it just me, or has this week lasted a month?

Friday marks the end of first semester and boy is it time.  
Time for new students, a new schedule, new graduate classes and another day closer to summer.

Molly is having daily clothes drama and can't have any part of her neck showing, Maisie is asking me to cheat for her on her typing tests and can't breathe out of her nose at bedtime, Rumba is back in business after I ordered a new lifetime battery and once again I'm fresh out of dinner ideas.

Mack practices from 5-7:30 p.m. and Ross practices from 6:15-7:45 a.m.  The laundry and dishes have become ridiculous, the dishwasher is leaving 'sand' in cups and a part of me is freaking out while another part of me is waiting to see if someone else deals with it.  Today after a particularly rambunctious class, a student asked how I stay so laid back and don't yell at kids.  Are you serious!  I explained how I'm am miraculously able to completely zone out during chaos (I'm just really tired) or use their behavior as my own personal entertainment!  
It's no secret I don't get out much.

I organize a bi-monthly food pantry out of my classroom.  The numbers have drastically increased over the past year and this week I had over 2000 lbs of food delivered to my classroom.  When it was all said and done, I was left with a single case of pinto beans and 5 loaves of organic wheat bread.
What you missed was the Day's Of Our Lives drama over food, the couple who arrived 45 minutes early to get first dibs, the lady who fell down on the box of spiral hams and came up claiming someone was taking her food, the lady chasing frozen chickens in the parking lot after they rolled off her cart and under parked cars, the woman who got kicked out of Winterset's Food Pantry last month after she punched someone in the nose...  
I'm not trying to make fun in fact, I find it quite sad, yet fascinating at the same time.  
I've always been really weird like that.  
So I will continue.
Today I came home right after school to finally tackle the mountain of laundry that formed over the week, knowing full well almost everything would need to be ironed to be worn without looking homeless.

Molly got ahold of my phone and decided to photograph the house.  As I've fallen behind, I'll share her view through my camera lens with you today.

Below you will see our new coat hook and shelving in the mudroom.

A new rug thanks to Cindy :)

Clearly, I took this photo of Molly after school.  At the time I thought I'd send it into the Hidden Valley.  But then realized the bottle of ranch was turned backward.

Molly took these...

TGIF in 6 hours.

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