Monday, January 21, 2019

Bus 8

I believe everyone has memories of their childhood that stand out more than others.  
I'm pretty sure today was one of those days.

Today was the day I rode home on the bus.  
After a morning in which the van didn't make it out of St. Charles, I was left without a vehicle.  
Of course, I had people offering me a ride home, however, I decided to give my kids a memory today.

I rushed out of my classroom as soon as the bell rang.
Didn't want to miss the bus.
I sat next to a 2nd grader on Bus #8 as Molly and Jay's bench didn't have room for me.

And this is how Molly looked for the entire 20-minute bus ride home.  
Complete awe.
She told me her friends were SO jealous she got to ride on the bus with her MOM!

it was a good day.

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