Saturday, January 12, 2019

Vagina Pics, Keto and Sledding

Last night the girls begged me to get the baby books out.  I figured 'why not'.  I almost got my wedding dress out, but decided that would be pushing it.

They came across the printed newborn photo of Maisie with the umbilical cord leading to my vagina.  
It lead to lots of questions.  Her folded ears, the blood, the vagina... even Mack took a double take.
Then tears.
Molly had a breakdown we didn't have a photo of her right after she came out.  Then she saw a photo of Maisie with Mike, Ross and myself in the hospital bed.  She searched and searched but couldn't find a picture with her in this same scenario as a newborn.
She was crushed.
This all happened while I was attempting to write a college paper on the Jahi McMath case regarding parental rights and life support.  

In other news, Ross made a decision to cut 5 lbs by next weekend for a wrestling tournament.  I told him he could do it if he really wanted to.  I put him on Keto.  Breakfast was an omelet.  By 10:00 he started to panic and asked for sautéed shrimp.  At noon he said he was STARVING.  I told him to drink some water and eat a cheese stick.
He said he was too weak and actually looked pale.
I gave him bullet iced coffee and ham/mayo/cheese roll-ups.
He was still starved.

2 hours later he was sneak-microwaving microwavable chicken sandwiches from Costco.
We'll see how the rest of the week goes...

This snowy day lead to lots of sledding.  Especially by the girls.  
Ross attempted to sled, but his first trip down he claimed a stick stabbed him in the butt hole.

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