Friday, January 17, 2014

American Maisie

As I kid, I remember the weekend I changed my name to Rachel.  Not a single person called me Rachel though, so I went back to Heidi.  Go figure. 
Last night I noticed Maisie was looking so grown-up.  I told her she looked like a teenager.  Well, that's pretty much the best compliment you can give a 5-year-old and she spent the next 10 minutes staring at herself in a full-length mirror. 
While putting her to bed, she asked me what her teenage name should be.  I explained most people keep their name forever and that we chose her name because we think it's beautiful.  It fits a little girl, teenager, young woman, mom and grandma perfectly. 
She told me she still wanted to change her name to a 'teenage' name' and responded, "Rose Petal. No wait.  Not Rose Petal.  Princess Rose Petal.  No, not that.  I got it. From now on, I want you to call me American Maisie". 
So there you have it.  We'll see how long this lasts.
While tucking Ross into bed, we decided to pray Daddy made it home safely in the blizzard.  I started thumbing through a bible for a relevant prayer, without much success.  I was jumping all over the pages, reading bits of proverbs and psalms.  Nothing was making sense and Ross was completely lost.  That's when he looked at me with a look of pure confusion and said,
"This guy doesn't know what he's talking about".  Something tells me God appreciated that comment as much as I did.  We made up our own prayer.
Meanwhile, Molly's been running around the house singing the "I'm a Daisy" song .  The lyrics (to the tune of 'Oh My Darlin'), follow:
I'm a Daisy,
Daisy Girl Scout
And I'll tell you something too,
I'm a loyal Daisy Girl Scout
And my colors are true blue.

She's not a Daisy, but her sister is.  She's a huge fan of American Maisie.

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