Monday, January 20, 2014


GG and Papa came to Winterset Sunday.  They spent every single minute playing with the kids.  Ross made sure of it.  They stayed for dinner and left after baths. 
Molly's 3-1/2.  She got her first haircut on Sunday.
This picture makes me smile.  The fine hair, the protective sister, and those hands.
Papa and my girls.
GG, Papa and the girls.  Hmmm, where's Ross?  Why isn't he in the photo?
This is why.
They played a pretty intense game of hide-and-go-seek.  Ross climbed a tree.
While GG and Maisie just hid in the neighbors yard.
As I tucked the kids into bed, there was one
central theme.
Me: What was your high today?
My kids: GG and Papa coming to our house today.
Me: What was your low?
My kids: When they left.
I couldn't argue with that.


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