Monday, January 6, 2014

Tomato Soup

My kids swear they hate tomatoes. 
I let them pick out the Michelina's 4/$5 microwave meals for lunch today at Fareway.  It's all about the little things.  They all chose the macaroni and cheese (because Ross did).  They carry their frozen Michelina's boxes around the store and act all possessive over which one is 'theirs'.  Luckily for me normal people don't venture outside in this kind of weather so the store was like 'open-gym'.  As I was shopping for floss... weird I know, but we've been out for a few days and I know how critical flossing can be for cardiovascular health, I began to hear the screeching.  Out of the corner of my eye, I spied a box of Michelina's macaroni and cheese sliding down the grocery store aisle with three kids chasing and tackling the box.  As my children wrestled the box of mac and cheese like it was a fumbled football (two were crying and the other was growling), I seriously contemplated the 'glide' floss verses 'reach'.  I decided to splurge and go with the 'glide' this time.  Again, it's the little things.  Eventually we left and was confident employee's later celebrated our departure. 
I prepared the frozen macaroni and cheese and heated a bowl of tomato soup for myself, figuring I'd get to eat it as my kids hate tomatoes.  At least that's what they say.  Molly wanted a 'bite'.  Then Maisie did. 
I'll let the photos tell the rest of the story.

My kids swear they hate tomatoes.

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