Friday, January 3, 2014

Random Friday

The kids headed back to school Thursday.  After dropping them off and returning home to thaw out my hands, I realized Maisie was more than ready to go back.

Dr K-4  Hop you hab a grate bae
love Mrs. hall
After school she was quick to tell me her friend Caleb was going to Florida.  I asked how long he would be there.  She replied, "I'm not sure, probably a year."
Ross returned from school eager to get a new bed.  He's been sleeping on a futon for over a year.  His choice. 
On New Years Day, I helped him deep-clean his room.  I have no words for some of the discoveries that were exhumed.   During the excavation process, we went back and forth about whether he'd like to start sleeping on a real bed.  He struggles with change and this was a big step for him.  Therefore, as soon as he was ready, we moved forward with the plan.  Once Mike came home from work, we disassembled his 6-foot loft bed, moved the futon, vacuumed up a ridiculous amount of bullet shells and beads and assembled his new room. 
 That's when Mike pointed out that in 10 years we'll be moving him into a dorm room.  I told him to shut-up.
Ross' new bed.
Since I was busy helping with the new bed, Molly took the liberty of washing dishes for me. 
She spoils me like that.

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