Wednesday, January 1, 2014

When They Leave

As Mike and I discussed our New Year's Eve plans, I couldn't help but look back.  Not just at the past year, but at past New Years.  Some fun, some lame, some expensive, some stupid, some dangerous, and some pathetic.  Despite the abundant pile of New Years party invites to sort through (please take a moment to laugh out loud), we settled on staying in.  We made homemade pizza which I swear was one of my best yet, drank more wine than usual, crowded together on the too small couch, watched Molly smear cookie frosting into the rug and eye shadow on her chin and stayed up late... till 10.

One day our babies will leave home.  We won't get to celebrate New Years with them anymore.  They'll have their own friends (with any luck we will too) and they'll ring in the New Year without us.  The thought makes me more emotional than that dang Apple commercial where the teenage boy makes that home video for his family. 

 One day Mike and I will have more money to blow, more time to spare and possibly a couple party invites to sift through. 

And on that day I'll be silently thanking God for giving me the best of my days back when He did, and I'll be grateful for soaking it in while I could.

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