Saturday, March 7, 2015

Caboodle Fever

As their mom, I assume I know my kids best.  What they like, their personal style, their health status, their last meal and the color/texture of their last poop. 
However, Mike's the one who nailed it this week.  He called me from work to say he was shopping for Caboodles at Walmart.  He thought the girls would enjoy storing their make-up and jewelry in them. 
I couldn't decide what surprised me most... Mike shopping at Walmart... For Caboodles....Make-up storage... Lets just say I fell in love with that man all over again. 
He had me at caboodles.
Later in the day he called again.  He was back at Walmart.  This time shopping for make-up and make-up brushes to fill the caboodles. 
Lucky girls.
That night, Mike surprised his girls with pink caboodles.  They were in make-up heaven.  Maisie gave Mike a complete make-up tutorial; complete with blending, contouring and blotting.  He listened, asked questions and told her she was beautiful.
How did I end up with a guy like that?
Lucky girl.


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