Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Editing... more than a verb.

I'm not sure if it's the fact that it's finally Wednesday; or the fact that I had to yell "No butt touching!" after school today more than once; or the fact that I returned from the grocery store to being told Molly ate a pencil and noticing the cat dumped my potting soil all over carpet.  Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that Ross ate the last pack of Tinkerbell fruit snacks (which has been untouched for over a month) just as Maisie decided she wanted it; or that Molly 'dribbled' on Ross' blue velour chair and was anxious to show him the wet spot.  You can imagine the next 3 minutes.  Maybe it all comes down to the fact that a well-know grocery chain (which shall remain nameless opened in Winterset on Tuesday). 
In the meantime, I've managed to break my grocery list into chunks. Why?  Simple, so I can shop Fareway every single day.  Not everyone has that capability, but I do and I'm taking advantage of it.  I realize it's only been one day, however I've detected a certain comradery with my fellow grocery shoppers over the past 24 hours.  It's like an unspoken language when you enter Fareway.  Eye contact is openly made and friendly hello's are exchanged whether your in the parking lot or in the cereal aisle.  The hello's seem to be code for, "We've got Fareways' back and the new grocery chain can, (in Ross' newest term) "suck it".
I love this town.
With that said, I've found a temporary fix to my photo dilemma.  I'm trying a 30 day trial of Adobe Creative Cloud.  It's not bad.  I've watched some u-tube videos on Photoshop CC and have learned all about removing unwanted objects and making layers to adjust exposure and levels.
By the way, I had not watched the U-tube videos before editing the below images. 
I absolutely love the below shot.  It looks like Papa kicked the ball.  What would I change?  Not much.  I wish I could see Ross' face though.
I love this photo because it shows Goose in the center looking at the hoop.  I have Papa and Ross in the background (slightly blurred) which makes the shot active to me.  However, in hindsight I should have straightened the photo so it wasn't crooked.
The following two photos show Ross in motion.  He loves looking at these more than anyone else.  I'm usually behind him when he looks at photos, and his cheekbones rise significantly when he see's his basketball shots.  I love it.
Not a terrible black and white shot, however a pole is coming out of the center of his head.  Had I watched the U-tube tutorial prior to editing, this could have been avoided.
A boy and his dog.  What could be done to fix this photo?  So many things.  However, this is the boy who gave me my world. 
It couldn't be more perfect.

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