Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Zits and Underwear

Molly just wacked Kratt with her nigh-night, Maisie demanded I enter credit card information on the Ipad for the Star Math educational game they play at school... right now, Ross just threw Mollys nigh-night in the trash which has the holey blue leggings of Mollys (which I was secretly throwing away) while Ross is questioning whether his ears are clean. 
Really.  His ears?  What's going on you may ask?  Well, lets back up to 1987-1989.  Ross' mother (along with his father) suffered from OCD.  One of his mothers obsessions?  Whether or not she was putting her underwear on backwards or not.  Therefore, she had to ask her mom if she was putting her underwear on the right way... EACH TIME she put on underwear.  Sorry for the 3rd person description, but once I got started, I felt the need to continue.
First of all, bless her heart.  Second of all, it totally helps me understand the ear-thing with Ross.  We're also moving onto whether or not his nose is clear.  AKA- does he have any  buggers up his nose.  On one hand, I'm super-pumped he trusts me to help him with these pressing issues each morning and on the other hand, I'm wondering where this sudden bugger and wax concern is stemming from.  I wasn't born yesterday, therefore I have a pretty good idea. 
Two days ago he woke up with a zit on the side of his mouth.  I can't help but recall Mike's zit story of the nose-zit he popped in 7th grade where puss shot across the bathroom mirror and left a hole in his nose pores.  
Mike loves telling that story.  
So while Ross is having his ear and nose concerns, I'm grateful Mike and I have already been through that stage.  For one, we've both personally experienced the OCD stage.  For two, I'm beyond thankful we will never be in that stage again. 
By the way, I've never worn my underwear backwards.

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