Monday, March 16, 2015

Spring Break

I used to dread Spring Break.  It meant my kids had to spend a week at daycare.  They'd rather be at school than spring break or summer vacation or 3 day weekends.  It gnawed at me like nothing else ever had.  I was not good at handling working-mom guilt. 
Mike will tell you all about it.
This is the first spring break I'm spending with my kids.  If you recall, my kids were shipped to my parents in Long Grove last year at this time so we could move into our rental.  (Yep, I'm fully aware it's been a year). 
Over the weekend we were teased by the summer-like weather.  Goose is loving it and so are we.
Mike and Goose are buds.  Below you can see them fighting over a bone. 
I know.

I think Goose might need a buddy so I can have my husband back.

Molly continues to melt my heart and lets just say I'm so glad she has a sister.

Swinging is much for fun with your best friend.

I don't have to say much about the bottom photo... it speaks for itself. 
I love this girl.

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